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After O’Dea’s Urgent Advocacy, County Taking Action to Ensure Kearny Warming Center is Properly Heated

Commissioner Bill O’Dea personally visited the Naval Reserve Facility, a Hudson County warming center in Kearny, this morning after receiving concerning calls from employees and constituents saying that the building did not have adequate heat. Upon arrival O’Dea was stunned to find employees crowding around space heaters and county residents huddled under blankets in 40 degree temperatures within the facility at a time when the area is under a Code Blue alert.

Commissioner O’Dea immediately took action, informing county department directors of the situation and demanding that the facility’s HVAC vendor return to the site to fix the heating system and provide 24/7 support, and additionally that the county provide space heaters to ensure that the site is properly heated until the system is repaired. All of these steps are now reportedly being taken following Commissioner O’Dea’s advocacy.


“What I saw this morning was heartbreaking and unacceptable— no one should have to sleep in these freezing conditions,” O’Dea stated. “Our neighbors deserve better and I thank the county employees I spoke to for taking quick steps to address this crisis. I will be visiting the Warming Center again tonight to ensure that the problem is fixed and the temperature is within acceptable levels.” 

The Naval Reserve Facility is a critical lifeline for homeless or home-insecure individuals, particularly during the harsh winter months. Commissioner O’Dea has pledged to work with local leaders and organizations to address the immediate heating shortage and ensure the long-term safety and dignity of those relying on this essential service.

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